Diabetes can affect various portions of the eye. In particular, diabetes affects the retina. The retina is the “seeing film” in the eye. The blood vessels in the retina are damaged in diabetes and these can then leak fluid and blood. This can cause swelling in the retina which leads to a decrease in the vision. In more severe cases abnormal blood vessels can form which can cause significant hemorrhaging as well as scarring and retinal detachment.

Early detection is the key to preserving vision. A comprehensive dilated examination is needed to detect diabetic damage. In the early stages the damage can be treated with intraocular medicines along with Laser treatments. In more advanced cases surgical options in the operating room are available. Good blood sugar control is essential in preventing the progression of diabetic damage.

Annual dilated examination is recommended for screening patients with Diabetes. Our experts at Arlington Eye Physicians can diagnose and treat Diabetic Retinopathy.

Visit our clinic or schedule an eye exam now!