We help you have a clearer vision.

Double vision occurs when more than one image of the same object is seen. This can occur from a variety of diseases.

Misalignment of the eyes from disorders involving the nerves that control the eye muscles can cause double vision. The nerve disorders can occur from lesions in the brain, inflammation, strokes, and in patients with Diabetes and High blood pressure.

Patients with migraines may experience double vision. This is usually transient. However, a detailed evaluation is required to rule out other causes.

Patients with corneal diseases or Cataracts occasionally experience double vision. This form of double vision is not from a misalignment of the eyes but from the eye with the pathology not forming a proper image. Often patients will see a ghosting of images rather than two distinct images.

Evaluation of double vision requires a comprehensive examination. MRI and blood tests may be ordered after the initial evaluation. Treatment options may include specialized glasses with prisms, medicines, or surgery.

Visit our clinic or schedule an eye exam now!