Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a chronic condition that can really affect the quality of vision and life. It is often misdiagnosed because of its variable presentation. It is a disease that requires on-going management with medicines and lifestyle changes.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Red eyes
  • Ocular Fatigue after prolonged computer use or reading
  • Blurred vision
  • Intermittent Blurring of vision
  • Stabbing pain
  • Aching pain
  • Burning
  • Foreign body sensation or scratchy sensation
  • Watery eyes
  • Contact lens intolerance


Treatment of Dry eyes has to be individualized. At Arlington Eye Physicians, our ophthalmologist will perform a comprehensive examination of your eyes as well as thoroughly review your medical history, social history and your activities to determine the cause of your dry eyes. Treatment requires medications as well as life style changes. For many patients treatment involves the use of artificial tears; however, this may not be enough for everyone. For more advanced cases we may recommend prescription drops such as Restasis or Xiidra. We also use Serum tears. These are tears made out your own blood. These contains helpful factors that aid with dry eyes. In-office procedures can also be performed for punctual plugs. For patients with severe dry eyes we offer Advanced Medical devices such as Prokera. This device contains cryo-preserved amniotic membrane which has been shown to promote healing.

Dry eyes can cause significant diminution in the quality of life. At Arlington Eye physicians, we can help the full spectrum of dry eyes from Mild to Severe.

Visit our clinic or schedule an eye exam now!